Maylon Hanold
Maylon Hanold is an Associate Teaching professor at Seattle University, where she helped develop the MBA in Sport and Entertainment Management program at Seattle University. She has taught courses in research methods for sport, sport sociology, sport leadership, women and sport leadership, human resources, sport events, and organizational effectiveness. Her research interests lie at the intersections of sport sociology, gender, and leadership. She has written about lived experiences in sport including ultra-running, long distance running, and transgender recreational sport experiences. In addition, her leadership research focuses on the physicality of leadership as related to embodied biases, empathy as a leadership skill, authentic leadership, and leadership development. Her cross-disciplinary approach is reflected in the journals in which she has published: Advancing Women in Leadership, Global Sport Business Journal, Sociology of Sport, Advances in Developing Human Resources, Her most recent article explores the development of ‘authentic’ leadership “Toward a New Approach to Authentic Leadership: The Practice of Embodied Dialogical “Thinking” and the Promise of Shared Power” (2017) in. She has also written book chapters in Sport Leadership for the 21st Century, The Embodiment of Leadership, and Theorizing Women and Leadership: New Insights and Contributions from Multiple Perspectives. She published World Sports: A Reference Handbook (2012) with ABC-CLIO and most recently Women is Sports: A Reference Handbook (2018).
Last Updated on September 23, 2022